Atharv India is a start-up under Information & Technology Sector, in the Republic of India. It provides state-of-the-art electronic products and systems with service and support for the State and Central Government along with Education, Banking, Defence, Sports and Agriculture. 

Atharv India has also working into diversified  various areas like Smart Class Solutions, Audio Visual, Renewal Energy, Wireless Area Solution, Smart Electronics Equipment including software integration, Energy storage products, Solar, Network, Video Surveillance (CCTV) & Cyber security, Point of Sale (POS) and Smart gadget solutions etc.

अथर्व इण्डिया में आपका हार्दिक स्वागत है 

अथर्व इण्डिया, भारत गणराज्य में सूचना एवं प्रौद्योगिकी क्षेत्र के अंतर्गत एक स्टार्ट-अप है। यह शिक्षा, बैंकिंग, रक्षा, खेल और कृषि के साथ-साथ राज्य और केंद्र सरकार के लिए सेवा और सहायता के साथ अत्याधुनिक इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उत्पाद और सिस्टम प्रदान करता है।

अथर्व इण्डिया स्मार्ट क्लास सॉल्यूशन, ऑडियो विजुअल, रिन्यूअल एनर्जी, वायरलेस एरिया सॉल्यूशन, सॉफ्टवेयर इंटीग्रेशन सहित स्मार्ट इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स उपकरण, ऊर्जा भंडारण उत्पाद, सोलर, नेटवर्क, वीडियो निगरानी (सीसीटीवी) और साइबर सुरक्षा, पॉइंट ऑफ़ सेल (पीओएस) और स्मार्ट गैजेट सॉल्यूशन आदि जैसे विविध क्षेत्रों में भी काम कर रहा है।

All Things of Happiness by Creative and SMART Solutions.
- Ajeet Maurya
Solar Enery System
Solar power is energy from the SUN that is converted into thermal or electrical energy.
Audio Visual Integration
Audio Visual (AV) integration is the process of blending your audio, visual and lighting controls into one to make controls and operation much simpler.
Smart Classroom 
A smart classroom is a technology-enhanced learning environment that uses digital tools to make learning more engaging and interactive.

Video Surveillance (CCTV)
Video surveillance, also known as CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television), is a security system that uses cameras to monitor and record activity in a specific area, transmitting the footage to a limited set of monitors for viewing and recording.
Wired & Wireless Area Solution
A network setup that combines both wired (using ethernet cables) and wireless (using Wi-Fi) connections within a local area network (LAN), allowing devices to connect to the network either through physical cables or radio waves depending on their needs.
Energy Storage Systems (ESS)
An energy storage system (ESS) is a device or set of technologies that converts electrical energy into a form that can be stored and later converted back to electricity.

Our Core Services

Local Area Network: A network that connects devices in a limited area, like an office or building. 
Wired LANUses physical cables, like Ethernet cables, to connect devices. 
Wireless LAN (WLAN)
Uses wireless signals, like radio waves, to connect devices. WLANs are a subcategory of LANs. 
Video Surveillance

Video surveillance is the use of security cameras to monitor and record activity in a specific area or location for security, safety or monitoring purposes. Security cameras capture live footage, which can be viewed in real-time or recorded for later review. Video surveillance is also referred to as CCTV.

Audio Visual 

Cras aliquet urna ut sapien tincidunt, quis malesuada elit facilisis. Vestibulum sit amet tortor velit.

Smart Class

Cras aliquet urna ut sapien tincidunt, quis malesuada elit facilisis. Vestibulum sit amet tortor velit.

Electronics Equipment

Cras aliquet urna ut sapien tincidunt, quis malesuada elit facilisis. Vestibulum sit amet tortor velit.

Power & Energy

Cras aliquet urna ut sapien tincidunt, quis malesuada elit facilisis. Vestibulum sit amet tortor velit.